Today I was feeling sorry for myself but I got over it; there is too much turmoil in this country to be feeling sorry for myself. I’m grateful for the things I still have and can do, even though I’m bedridden I still have my arms, hands and fingers I can still use. Now, enough about my current situation; I’m going to tell you what happened to me while I was in the hospital for almost 3 months. Last New Year’s Eve I was admitted into the hospital with a UTI infection and I was treated with Intravenous brain blood barrier Antibiotics for a week. Then in February I ended up with another UTI infection and was treated for a whole week with the intravenous blood brain barrier antibiotics. Again in March, I became incoherent and had seizures and was once again admitted into the hospital for a septic infection for three weeks this time. Once again they treated me with a brain blood barrier antibiotic. All in all before all of this, I was constantly suffering with spasticity, muscle spasms, restlessness of my limbs, stiffness in my hands and the ole annoying pins and needles. After all of my stays in the hospital, my husband one day was staring at me and I asked him why; he was amazed that he hasn’t seen me have not even one muscle spasm or spasticity since I have been home a month later from the hospital. I began to research on intravenous blood brain barrier Antibiotics and found that many people who lived in the north, for instance, Pennsylvania, were treated with this type of antibiotics to treat Lyme disease. After researching, no one has a definition for what multiple sclerosis truly is. All they know is that multiple means, “many” and sclerosis means, “scars”. So our lesions are scars in the brain. What if this intravenous brain blood barrier antibiotic is something we all should consider telling others about this true story, now here I am with no MS symptoms like I had before and my treatment in the hospital was always the brain blood barrier type of antibiotic that seemed to have put whatever is in my brain to sleep. Pass this story on! God Bless and keep fighting the fight against MS!


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